Costs and payment.
Costs range from $80-$180, depending on length of session. Cash, major credit/debit cards and HSA cards are accepted for self-pay, as well as co-pays, co-insurance and deductibles.
I also participate with the following:
In-Network Insurance Plans
Blue Cross Complete
BlueCross and BlueShield (however, not Blue Care Network)
HAP | Health Alliance Plan of Michigan
Meritain Health
Michigan Education Special Services Association MESSA/BCBS
Priority Health
United Healthcare
PLEASE verify your insurance eligibility, deductibles, co-insurance and/or co-pays in advance, with your insurance benefit provider.
PLEASE NOTE: If you choose to use an out-of-network insurance plan, you will need to self-pay in advance and may submit your own billing to your benefit provider. I can provide a superbill for this purpose.
FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE, Current clients may pay online through Square by clicking on the button below and completing the information required.